Under the theme of “Sri Lanka Hospitality 2013”, Sri Lanka Tourism celebrated Sinhala and Hindu New year (Avurudu) at Negombo beach (Opposite Hotel Camelot) today. The celebration was rich with Sinhala and Hindu ‘Avurudu’ rituals, which are exclusively found in Sri Lanka.
Under the guidance of Hon. Basil Rajapaksa, the Minister of Economic Development, Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB) has already taken steps to provide exposure of the unique Sri Lankan culture and rituals to the world and thereby to convey the message that Sri Lanka is a very positive destination. The ‘Avurudu’ celebrations were also done with this purpose.
The selection of ‘ Avurudu Kumara’ and ‘ Avurudu Kumari’ or the New year Prince and Princess, among the other events, was the most eye-catching event. Miss Yevegenia Kotenko from Russia and Mr Shota Kiladze from Russia have been able to secure ‘ Aurudu Kumari’ and ‘ Aurudu Kumara’ titles for the year 2013 respectively. The event also offered the experience of ‘Aurudu’ sports to the participants who enjoyed pillow fighting, tug of war, bursting of balloons and climbing the grease pole and marking the eye on elephant etc..
See More :-Official web site Sri Lanka tourism